****Samwaad**** Nepali Internet Magazine Hong Kong

O/fsdf aGws !@ g]kfnLx?sf] xTof

;fyLnfO{ k7fpg'xf];\

O/fsdf aGws !@ g]kfnLsf] xTof
Prs]g]kfn 86\ sd\ ;Djfbbftf
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u/]sf]5 .

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Ps hgf aGwssf] lz/ If]bg ub}{ u/]sf] lel8of] Od]hM jfof+af6 qmdzM ! / @,
sfl6Psf] lz/ b]vfp+b}{ #, cGo d[tsx? Od]h $ df
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hf] d'l:nd;+u n8\g / ox'bL tyf O;fO{x?sf] dbbsf] nflu cfkm\gf] b]zaf6 oxf+ cfPsf lyP .

cft+sjfbL ;+u7g4f/f hf/L kmf]6f]df b'O{hgf gsfawf/LnfO{ b]vfOPsf] 5 h;df Ps hgf
aGwssf] lz/ 5]bg u/]/ xfjfdf xNnfO{ /x]sf] b]vfOPsf] 5 eg] csf]{ kmf]6f]df cGo aGwsx?
3f]K6f] hldgdf klN6Psf] b]vfOPsf] 5 / lk+7\\o"df uf]nLsf bfux? b]lvPsf] 5 .

d[ts g]kfnL aGwsx? hf+8{gsf] sDkgL cGtu{t sfd ug{ Toxf+ k'u]sf lyP . tL g]kfnLx?nfO{
cd]l/sL ;'/IffsdL{nfO{ ;xof]u u/]sf] cf/f]kdf em08} b'O{ xKtf cl3 aGws agfOPsf lyP .

O/fsdf xTof ul/Psf !@ hgf g]kfnLx?
vf]6f+u, sfx'n] $ sf 1fg]Gb| >]i7,
vf]6f+u, lr;fkfgL * sf /fh]Gb|s'df/ >]i7,
wg'iff, xSnflhg ! sf dgf]hs'df/ 7fs'/,
wg'iff, ;v'jf dx]Gb|gu/ ! sf a'wgs'df/ ;fx ;'9L,
wg'iff, dfgl;+k6\6L ! sf ;~hos'df/ 7fs'/, wg'iff,
xl/x/k'/ @ sf nngl;+x sf]O/L,
uf]/vf aqmf� % sf hLtaxfb'/ yfkf,
nlntk'/ n]n] * sf /d]z v8\sf,
wgs'6f, xfQLvs{ $ sf d+unaxfb'/ lnDa",
/f]Nkf, s'/]nL ! sf 5f]saxfb'/ yfkf,
emfkf tf]kuf5L & sf k|sfz clwsf/L /
ndh'�, ef]6]j8f/ % sf lai0f'xl/ yfkf .

Prs]g]kfn 86 sd\

;fyLnfO{ k7fpg'xf];\

Iraqi militants claim to have killed all 12 Nepali Hostages
KOL Report

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KATHMANDU, Aug 31 - Iraqi militants say they have executed all 12 Nepali hostages they had been holding for nearly two weeks.

The Reuters news agency quoted the Iraqi militant groups as saying it had killed 12 Nepali hostages and had posted the pictures of their throats being apparently slit on Islamic Web Site.
"We have carried out the sentence of God against 12 Nepalis who came from their country to fight the Muslims and serve the Jews and the Christians …believing in Buddha as their God," the statement by Army of Ansar al Sunna said.
Further details are unavailable. (rk)
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