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5 Responses for "खबरभित्रको खबर | Khabar Bhitra ko Khabar"
south korea ko nepali ko samasya dekhayako ma thanks. but all naramro matra dekhauna vanda kehi ramro pani 6 ra tyo pani dekhauda ramryo hunthyo. for example mero com. ma korean ra nepali le garne kam yeutai ho r sabai subidha pani 6.
Roadwide+ drainsystem+ water supply+underground wiring this 4 work must be in the same time so that it will go for the long period of time, Government cant fulfil these all things but Let government collect each house in the renovation area minimum 50000 rs and spent on the good work and if find corropt in this developing budget government must be cruel and cut the hand or hang in the pole to the corropted person.
I am also local of the area and i will give the money 1st if government start the process with Honesty and systematically.
“Let all House holder think and give to make the “Beautiful City”
hami bideshma baser pani afno deshko news bibhinna karyakram hernu pauda jyadai khushi lagekochha ra sabai karyakram prasotaharulai dhanyabad dinu chahanchhu
hami sabai nepaliharu yo malaysia ma anekau dukha saher baseka chhau ra aphno deshko news ra karyakram hernu pauda jyadai khushi lageko chha now malaysia
ma mero desh nepallai sadhai samjhi rahane chhu ra hamile yasari aphno deshko news sunne abasar dinu bhayakoma mero tarphabat dhanyabat dinu chahanchhu ra ma ahile malaysiama sthai rupma basi raheko chhu sabai nepali daju bhailai didi bahiniharulai abagat garaunu chahanchhu dhanyabad
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