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14 Responses for "पत्ता लगाउनुहोस्- यो कसको आवाज हो?"
sorry i dun no, but this video is really funny. keep it up
Dr. Om gurung’s voice.
The visual recording of soud for the Dr. Om Gurung from Nepal.
This voice is from Dr.Om Gurung.
janajati mahasang chairman
when he came to hk he did the anounce.
it’s he’s voice.
Yo swor, Aadarniya Bigya Dr. Om Gurungko ho. Dhanybad.
Rita Gurung, HK.
Dr Om Gurung in nepali vhasa shahithaya hoooooo
Dr. Om gurung jiu ko ho.
That sound is new born Nepalese Cat
biralo ko ho,cat voice ilike this
yo chai manche ko ho thanks
hajur tyo thiyo ki uttar vany om gurung ko
hajur om gurung nai ho tara banawati biralo ho khasma
The voice it seams Mr.Om Gurung.but the the voice was mixed like Newari and Magar tone.not like gurung tone.anyway…..
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