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5 Responses for "Nepali Cultural Week"
Hi first of all I would like to thanks to event organizer and big thanks to for awesome video clip.
Nepali Cultural Week 2008 is really fantastic and meaningful event for all the Nepalese who are residing in Hong Kong.
Very Nice Nepali Cultural Program, Please Keep it up Hong Kong Nepalese people.
it’s gud to watch this video.and i fell very proud to b nepali..
but the thing is actually,why we the nepalese who are in foreign country are doing so much of hard work to influnce our culture, insted of doing in our home country. the youth in nepal are not making themselves aware of their culture,they are not helpin themselves to noe their own culture.
Firstly we have to noe our culture from our own home country rather than knowing it in foreign country.if we nepalese just want the cultural rights in hk,uk and other many countries where there are nepalese society then where is Nepal?
We have to noe our culture from nepal.Sorry to say but those are stupids who wants to make their children noe abot the nepalese culture in the foreign country like HK and UK.Do their children really knoe the nepalese culture or jus they noe Limbu culture?rai culture?gurung culture?magar culture?
In my point of view Nepales culture unite all the nepalese including different caste but here different caste of people are fighting for their own culture not for the nepalese culture and it’s a craking joke, people saying we are fighting for nepalese culture.First of all we have to knoe which is nepalese culture?wat is nepales culture?is there anyone who can answer?
ati ramro chha
it is nice to watch our cultural reflaction, even we are in foregion country. however we are here at US even though we cannot foprget our culture and tradition whic reflect our belief, valu, nomes and value and all. Culture makes our strong felling and belif towardas our nation and natiionality.i cannot for get our nation anfd nationality till my last life. thiough i cannot help my natiion to help to make succesful in the sfeild of cultuer heritage and all but i will level best to make life to uplift the cultural and heritage.
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