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3 Responses for "Jaya Swabhiman (May 25, 2013)"
Indigenous Nepali people (Rai, Limbu, Gurung, Magar, Tamang) did very big contribution to recognize Nepal and as a whole Nepali as a brave people in the world. They contributed to save Nepal, WWI and WWII, too.
Indigenouse Nepali people bring great Economy into Nepal, so Nepali government and whole Nepalese enjoy and live lavishly in Nepal.
but they got nothing from Nepal and Nepalese.
That is why we have to do by ourshelves by uniting us.
Nepali Government must do something about it, because it is our forefather who was Bir Nepali and will be Bir Nepali/ Bir Gorkhali forever. They were under British but they fight the war as Nepali and Bir Gorkhali. We shall be paying homage to those who pay ultimate price for our Nepal and Nepali as Bir Gorkhali.
Jaya Gorkhali, Jaya Nepal
“lest we forget them”
for Indigenous Nepali in aboard
k world war ma teti jaat haru matra thie??ani chetry/thakuri ko 9th gorkha rifles khai ta…sher bahadur thapa vc pani chettry ho kyare….rai/limbu ko duita regiment ani aru magar/gurung ko regiment thyo…tamang haru ta ali ali mix matra ho rai/limbu ko regiment ma….paila bujera matra bolnus…anyway i respect all brave gorkhas who made our country proud.
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