well nepalis strike in hongkong .where we are press from company for comfortable therefor we must to do demand all our facility with company that so it s nice function .i think company ll give and share the nepali demands all the best thx alot .
Well, it has to happen sooner or later. I am very much doubt about their unity coz only few number of people were turned up on past two days whereas totally 600 Nepalese are working.
7 Responses for "G4S HK Nepalese Strike-Audio"
Text version news: http://www.hknepal.com/hknews/?p=625
[...] अडियो भर्सनः समाचार संकलन र अन्तर्वार्ता सुन्न यह
keep it up … welldone
audio samachar ko lagi djanyabaad .
well nepalis strike in hongkong .where we are press from company for comfortable therefor we must to do demand all our facility with company that so it s nice function .i think company ll give and share the nepali demands all the best thx alot .
Well, it has to happen sooner or later. I am very much doubt about their unity coz only few number of people were turned up on past two days whereas totally 600 Nepalese are working.
Dear: all
pls united to support G4S and its my full support your right demand as per nepali
Shanghai China
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