pahila kura ta Rajes hamal sanga ko Interview le Hknepal .com ko sobha bhadayeko chaa. hk ani R gyu partai abhari chhu. Tara hk nepalko parasanakarta parti pastachap 6 kinaki hamalko sabai sabdama nepal parti maya bhayeko hunchha Auni utakrista kalakar ho.
Rajesh jee namaskar!!!dherai khushi lagyo tapaeeko interview herna payera.sachikai 44 hunubho???tara tapaeelai 35 nanageko jasto dekhinchha ni he he….
tapaeelai pani Merry cristmas and happy new year 2009.
Well executed, great interveiw! Well done, Dev! Your star mate! However, wondering if this clip was taken in the slums of Sham Shui Po! Sorry if I am mistaken coz the picture tells the tale. It seemed to me that the place is definitely prepared for the video shoot out but unfortunately the “dinosaur hangers” were left hanging for the utter annoyance of the viewers. Tell you what; it would have been better if the hangers were holding some clothing then left empty!
It is shame that couldn’t find a decent place for such interviews. Look at those hangers hanging on the rails, right above Dev’s head. What an eye shore! Annoying and proving difficult to ignore by the viewers. Piece of advice, next time you’d better go out to Kowloon Park and make it more refreshing and creative. Interviews don’t have to be indoors all the time; you can do it outdoors too.
यो भिडीयो अन्तर्वार्ता हतारमा बिना तयारी अन द स्पटमा लिइएको हो। अन द स्पटमा तुरुन्तै र त्यही ठाउंमा आकस्मिक रुपमा अन्तर्वार्ता लिंदा भने जस्तो सुविधा उपलव्ध हुंदैन।
याउ मा तेइ कम्युनिटी हलमा अभिनेता राजेश हमाल अभिनित चलचित्र ‘बिष’को प्रिमियर शो चलिरहंदा सोही समयमा हमालसंग छोटो समय मागेर स्टेच पछाडि ड्रेसिङ रुममा अन्तर्वार्ता लिइएको हो।
अरु दिन अन्तर्वार्ताको लागि अभिनेता हमालले समय मिलाउन नसक्ने भएकोले तत्काल त्यही अन्तर्वार्ता लिएको हुनाले व्यवस्थित हुन नसकेको हो। त्यसैले, वरिपरिको परिवेशलाई निहाल्नु भन्दा अभिनेता हमालका अभिव्यक्ति के कस्ता लाग्यो त्यसप्रति ध्यान दिन आग्रह गरिन्छ।
hello…rajesh jasto bro ko interview kunai resturent ma gare hune thiyenara..gharma ma interview liye jasto cha..keho testo pachadi londry ko henkar haru.. …atlist hataaunata sakthiyo holani??? pls next time alli take care garnu la daju…aammbbbooooo…..
i dont really read n see the whole picture n articles in this web site but this is the first ever i watched whole interview absolutely brilliant to be honest how different if peoples r more educated for example rajesh hamal ji
SARAai rAmro interview lagyo.. hatar ma liyeko rahecha bujhiyo.. j hos next time interview lida bichar puraunu hola.
Question haru ramro lagyo… good job ! prasna karta.. tapai ko interview haru heri raheko chhu… ramro lagcha. ma dherai talent haru rahechan.
Rajes dai first of all i would like to wish you happy new year2009,,,dai you are the one i like verry much becoz of you ours nepali flim indristy has been going well..dai if you are visit on my coment pls give me your contact no…by sms either no..0169047810 me at malaysia now,,mail [email protected]..pls i would like to word some if there is a posible pls best of luck.
i’m sorry to admit that i’ve never been a big fan of nepali movies..or nepali actors…but after watching this interview.. i’m new found respect for nepali actors..and outmost respect for Rajesh Hamal. Hats off to you sir. but i do have a small complaint about the person who is interviewing Rajesh Hamal. He needs to let people finish answering his question and not just cut’em off..
एुटा ब्यक्ती को ब्य्क्तित्तो भएको अनी योग्यता अनुसार को सभ्यता ,अनुशासित ,बोलिमा नम्रता र अब्श्य पनि नेपालको उत्कृष्ट नायक राजेश दाजु लाई पनि सु-भ कामना! यहाँ को धेरै कुरा राम्रो लाग्यो तर नेपाली सिनेमा को बारेमा भन्नु पर्दा सिनेमा धेरै बनेर मात्रा र राजेश दाजु ले धेरै सिनेमा मा काम गर्नु भयो भनेर मात्रा नेपाल को सिनेमा क्षेत्र राम्रो छ् र हुँदै छ् भन्ने कुरा उचित होला जस्तो मलाई लाग्दैन्!यो सत्य हो र यथार्थ पनि हो त्यो के भने नेपाली सिनेमा मा एुटा स्ट्यान्डर्ड छैन्,भारतिय सिनेमा को नक्कल गरिएको छ् त्यो पनि एक्दमै न्मिल्ने तरिका बात्!हो कुनै राम्रो कुरा को नक्कल गर्नु नराम्रा्ओ होइन तर नक्क्ल पनि त सुहाउने र मिल्ने तरिका बाट हुनु पर्यो नि ,होइन र?अनी नेपाली सिनेमा पनि त हेरौ न जस्तो कि कुसुमे रुमाल,कान्छि,माया प्रिती,त्यस्ताइ अरु पुरानो नेपाली सिनेमा कती अर्थ पूर्ण र हेर्न पनि मजा आउने र शोभा दिने किसिम्का छन नि त!यदी भारतीय सिनेमा को नक्कल गरेको नेपाली सिनेमा छ् तर नसुहाउने नक्कल छ भने किन नेपाली सिनेमा हेर्नु पर्यो र भारतीय सिनेमानै हे रे भाई हाल्यो नि,होइन र?अनी कृपया यो नेपाली सिनेमा को फाइट सिन को त झनै कुरा नै नगरौ अती नै अशोभनिय छ त्यसकारण यो फाइट को सिन त झन राख्दै नराख्दा मा पनि हुने थियो!त्य्सैले नेपाली सिनेमा अतिनै गरीब दर्जा को छ र हो पनि यस्लाई सुधारनु अती नै जरुरी छ!यदी कुनै पनि चिज या बस्तु मा क्लास अर्थात स्ट्यान्डर्ड छ भने अब्श्य पनि त्यो चिज ले खोज्नु पर्दैन कि बरु त्यो चिज लाई हामीले खोज्नु पर्ने हुन्छ्!र अन्त्य मा राजेश दाजु को विवाह को कुरा मा के भने हरेक ब्यक्ती आफ्नो आफ्नो स्वभाब हुन्छ बिचार हुन्छ र त्य्ही अनुसार को जिबन हुन्छ भने यस्तो ब्यक्तिगत कुरा मा अरुले टिका तिप्प्नी गर्नु र कुराकात्नु त्यो कुरा कात्ने मान्छे को गरीब सोच बिचार को नतिजा हो र यस्ले कोही पनि ब्यक्तिलाई केही फरक पर्दैन्!अन्त्यमा राजेश दाजु को उत्कृष्ट अभिनय को प्रसम्सा गर्दै अब आउने नेपाली सिनेमा अली योग्य बनोश भन्ने आशा राख्दै एेच के नेपाल लाई पनि धन्यवाद दिदै बिदा!
ज्योति छेत्री ,बेल्जियम
Don’t you people think Mr. Hamal is openly advocating plagiarism? Well I do. Do you think you agree with Mr. Hamal that copying other people’s work is not a bad idea at all? Well getting an idea from something is of course good but working on existing Indian movie to reproduce as it is our own Nepali movie is definitely not good.
Tell you what, if this is the attitude of our film industry than I am afraid the Nepalis film industry is not going anywhere. You hit a dead end! Plagarism kills creativity and without creativity your potentials can not develop. We want you to be doing your own work (thereby learning something in the process), instead of copying some one else’s work and passing it off to us as your own work. Mr. Hamal’s pathetic attempt to defend his argument (why books are printed in different languages) is downright farce!
If you still didn’t get it , get this quote from Piccasso “ bad artists copy, great artists steal”. I only understand from this famous quotation that bad artist tweaks others work here and there and reproduce what is already there in form of style technique and great artist on other hand takes other people’s concepts and makes it his own. He lifts the existing work as a quotation, and incorporates it into a different vision and product.
Don’t fool around, Mr. Hamal. Ever heard this song, dude…..Malai Nepali maya man parchha…….brilliant song! Don’t you think so?
jyoti didi…hajur ko every week kabita comments haru ra pic pani here..sarai ramro lekhu huncha..ra tapai pani cuwwak lagyo…baru aaba kabita lekhnu vayo vane pic pani hallnu la…hajur ko chintak…harke…
Patrakar Mahodaya,
Its clear that you are quite influenced by Indian Cinema.It also seems like ,your numerous attempt in comparing Nepalese Cinema/Actors with so called Indian,INDIAN ! and trying to let Rajesh Hamal down,made you feel wiser . And I do agree with Mr Sagar….ALL THAT MATTERED TO YOU WAS YOUR QUESTION ! BUT NOT HIS ANSWERS…
my friend,you were interviewing a wrong person with wrong question….please do more homeworks….we all know you are excellent in questioning..but..please make your habit of listening as well….and PLEASE STOP COMPARING NEPAL WITH INDIA,every country has its own strength and weakness in terms of culture,politics,economy, name it…
Rajesh Hamal is an exceptional and outstanding,NO DOUBT.
धेरै धेरै धन्यवाद एच्के नेपाल डट कम लाई किन कि बिदेस् हिंडेको पनि धेरै भैइसक्यो शुरु शुरु मा नेपाल्(नवलपरासी,कावासोति) मै रहदासी धेरै नै नेपाली फिल्म हेरिन्थ्यो त्यस्मा पनि सुपर स्टार राजेश हमाल को एउटा पनि नछोडि कन हेरिन्थ्यो । आज धेरै समय पछि उहाको अन्तर्वाता हेर्न र सुन्न पाए, नेपाली चलचित्र सम्बन्धि पछिल्यो जानकारी जान्न पाउदा धेरै नै खुशी लाग्यो ।भविस्य मा पनि राजेश हमाल जस्तै अरु हरु को भिडियो अन्तर्वार्ता हेर्ने इच्छा राख्दै आजलाई बिदा माग्दछु।
भीम् रावल्,रास्लाफान् कतार्
thanks i have seen RAJESH HAMAL INTERVIEW. PLEASE BECARE locatione whatever we are neplies if take interview choise or manage 1st yours question. it was good. from UK
ofcourse Rajesh is number one actor in Nepal. everyboy like him. he is educated too as well as hand some. his speaking style is very attractive.his persanality, actually every thing is very ok. i know he has too…………..much fun. he gave very nice intreview.thank you very much
fristfall, muri muri thanks to kin ki eo interview pathane mauka paiko ma. ramro chha Interview.rajesh ji ko answer very good. katai dosh lagaune thau chhaina hai. from greece.bye bye
we were too many people in my room yesterday when i opend internet hk news i fond Rajesh hamal Interview than i told all my friends about Interview and they watched,we watched many times, really we fond very great. very nice. there is no comment. Finally we are very proud of Rajesh Hamal and 2009 ko hardik mangalmae subhakamana to Rajesh hamal. from greece bye bye.
ramro lageu, we sugesteted it for nepali producer.nepali films are not going in progress way ,so compalsory it should make unique model to nepali invironment ,no needs to bollywood, hollywood disigne,it can not match the nepali generetion culture ,so we have practise how to make purity of social justice and educational advancenment.congract for best actor rajesh hama…… prem+raj
sarpratham ta lai dhannebat. and rajesh sir ko
interview herna pawda dherai khusi lagyo.jehos ajhai pani jibanko marga haruma agadi baddai janu suvakamana
hello rajesh ji namaste, you are a great in Nepali film Industry. we want you always com in Nepali film. very nice Interview.finally, your life saidai gham jasto chamak bhanosh our subha kaman bye.
good morning Rajesh dai, hami bidesi haru ko tarpha bat tapai dherai dherai bachnuhos, pragati garnuho, khusi hunuhos, sadhai sadhai film ma keli rahanuhos ra nirigi rahnuhos bhanne kamana chha bye.
HI, HK whats up & how abouts ur days going on.i hope cool, me too i want to reach there but i cannot no people help me.i want be reach people in the world.but how give me some idea,GOD i want be reach,pls help me ok GOD TUSSE GREADE HO
euta ques. ko ans. dina pako chhaina, arko ques. sodhna hattarr devraj lai…enterview liyeko room pani jpt..
rajesh hamal le ta malai kurera basya cha ani kina bihe garcha ta ..
राजेस ज्यूले क्या चित्त बुज्दो जवाफ दिनु भयो।हामीहरु नेपाली चलचित्रलाई चंहि बलिउड संग बढि तुलना गर्ने गर्छौ। आर्थिक,राजनितिकलाई चहि किन तुलाना गर्न नसकेका हौ?र अर्को कुरा राजेस हमाल ज्यू संग इन्ट्रभिउ लिएको धेरै हेरि सके,प्रयाले बिहे सम्बन्धिलाई बढि घोच्चीएर प्रष्न गरेको गरेको जस्तो लाग्छ ।तर म चंहि उहां संग सहमत छु,जिन्दगीमा बिहे गर्नै पर्छ भन्ने कुनै कारण छैन र बिहे गरे पछि सुख पाउछ भन्ने कुनै कुरा छनै।मान्छेको आ-आफ्नो जिउने तरिका हुन्छ।बिहे नगरेता पनि केटी त रोजिरोजि पाईन्छ होला।र अन्तमा राजेस हमाल ज्यू तपाई लाई पनि २००९को धेरै धेरै शुभ कामना छ!
your ever fan sonam (Japana)
It’s nice to watch an interview with actor Rajesh Hamal.
I met him a couple times when I was in Kathmandu, and he seemed pretty much like a magician that time. He showed us some sort of trick that he could hide money that was in one’s wallet and bring it back to it—something like that. Anyway that was a fun moment of meeting him.
Whenever I read or watch about him, one thing drives me nuts is that why do people care whether he gets married or not? Like some people say he should get married and starts his life. Cummon! Life begins as we born not as we get married. This is none of our business! I understand people get curious why he hasn’t got married while he is a successful actor or whatever you say! But this has been around for years! People are keep asking and asking until he gets annoying.
He speaks very well and he certainly seems intelligent, but why is he keep playing those dump movies instead of making himself better ones? If Nepali movies are made in better quality, I am sure we all will watch. Nobody will have to tell us to watch. For one point, I was a big fan of Nepali movies and sure enough, I was too fool to be enjoyed watching those movies, but now realized that Nepali movies actually have not taste! I feel Nepali movies have no flavor! Something isn’t right. Can’t we make better movies like Caravan? If Nepali film makers try to copy Bollywood movies which are also made in low quality, why can’t they copy good movies instead of bad ones like Slam Dog Millionaire? What I most see in our movies is that in happy scene it shows too happy; for example, giggling and laughing goes on and on which we can see clearly as fake happiness, and in sad scene, we see too sad which clearly appears to be fake. Can’t we act better and make it more realistic?
Finally I just wish Nepali film makers pay more attention in details and carefully prepared before they put hands on work. Also, actors in movies are not a real hero, so it is better to address them as actor but not as hero or heroine.
Regarding to maximshk’s comment that was posted on December 22nd, 2008 at 2:17 pm.
I just want to point out that plagarism is not good thing, and I don’t think Mr. Hamal was referring to plagiarism. I rather thought he was basically trying to say it is ok to learn from others’ movies and put that ideas into our movies.
Another thing is that I don’t even think that Nepali film industry has such capability to copy foreign movies. If they can actually copy foreign movies, Nepali film industry might have got to a a better position today. What I think about Neplai cinema industry is that it is just matter of how much I can earn from my investment. Here in Hollywood, people make movies not just to earn the movies, but also to compete in quality with others. They think, prepare well and pay attention in details, but Nepali Cinema industry is pretty much like frying pop corns. Do it quickly and eat it quickly.
Nobody is comparing Nepalese film industry with the bollywood (the world’s 2nd binggest film industy). If you did, you are making yourself the biggest fool in the whole world. I have no idea why Mr. Hamal thinks we are. What people are saying here is stop copying bollywood and let your own creative juice flowing for what you are doing. This is the message we all Nepalese wanted to give to our Nepalese Film Industry and Mr. Hamal in particular in this post. Without copying bollywood lines, you guys are empty. Of course everything we do in Nepal, one way or other are greatly influenced by Indians’ way of life, be it in politics, economics, social, education etc. you name it and the Nepalese Film Industry is no exception. However, the irony is Mr. Hamal and fellow cementers in this blog do not seem to understand this social phenomenon that is ruining our Nepalese creativity in all spheres of life nationwide.
Mr. Hamal Said, good books are printed in different languages, so why can’t we make a good bollywood movies in Nepali? This argument is down right farce. If this is not plagiarism god knows what plagiarism is all about. This statement of Mr. Hamal shows how shallow he is proving intellectually. Of course there are thousands of books printed in different languages but definitely not the way Mr. Hamal thinks they are. What Mr. Hamal he is encouraging us here is to translate shakespear’s books in Nepali and make some twists and turns here and there and pass it to Nepalese public as it is our own work.
Its natural for people to ask him about his marriage. Of course it is his own business but since he is a celebrity he is in public scrutiny. Any thing he does influence our society. Marriage is important part of our life and seeing him bachelor at this age is of course is weird. Is his sexual orientation weird or the opportunity didn’t present itself, makes me wondering too!
You’re not just a Nepali actor but also an ambassador to Nepali Cine Uddyog. You travel and visit Nepalese around the world so that we are up to date on Nepali Cine news. I believe Nepali Film Industry is surviving because of you. Great job!
By the way, you should stop by Hawaii in your next trip to USA. I’m sure you’ll love it.
namaste rajesh dai, u are a great person of nepali contest and film industries. u did memorable event in the previous time actually u have good diologue and acting as well as better fitness hansom as hight in film keep it up
alredy has somaney artist in neplai film industries but no body has like rajesh hamal may be aree u talking about dance? will be u are talking about fight? or acting or what else…but my guess is rajesh hamal is no.1 [email protected] singapore
rajesh ji tapae la ramro avineya garnuvayako cha ra aru den ma pane yasti garnuch vannea aasa rakhadhu aba auna film ma tapei la lamo vumika ma avena garnu hola vandi antha ma hknepal ka sabi staff lai dhanyabadh cha (now i have in malaysia but next time i also go back to nepal ……dipendra panthi arghakhanchi lumbine bangi -2 guranse ma molai chunuhune sabi la samparka rakhunu hola [email protected] bye bye thanku hknepal…
rajash hamal ji
malai tapai ko film ko lagi dhari dhari ramra film harna payako chhu
mahalai tapai ka kunipani naya film aya bhani mahalai email gardhanu holo tapai ko best friends babu ram paudel
arghakhanchi balkot 7 lumbani nepal
hal- new delhi india
Rajesh daju sharba partham ta hajur ko utar utar pargati ko kamana garda chhu. danju hajur a sari nai nepali filmy jagat ko nam rakhadai janu hala. daju ma ta hajur ko ju sukai film bazzar ma niskan6 all film harne gar6u kin bhane hajur ko jun sukai film pani veryyyyyyyyyyy man par6
Thank you
Hi Rajash! I would like to give u lot of congratulation 4 ur’s gud act in Nepali movies. Hope that u would do more n more in future. thnx very much cu next…………………………
rajesh hamal ji ko personality unique 6 , rajesh jee aru bhanda beglai hunuhuncha . uha yati biddwan bhayerapani samaj ra desh ka lagi dehi garna sakenn . uha le sayasd yeklo jiban bitauna chahanu bhayeko ho ki ? thik 6 uha ko bichar ho aru bhanda alag huna sak65. thank you
87 Responses for "An Interview with Rajesh Hamal"
Sarba Pratham lai dherai dherai dhanyaba chha Rajesh Hamal ko interview ko lagi-
Rajesh ji Nepal ko No. 1 Hero ho. Yasma sanka chhaina. Tapai ko Jiwan ma euti sundar, rupwati le prawesh paun bhanne shuva kamana. Chadai Bihe garera naya jiwan ko suruaat garnu hola.
Best regards
भगवानले जन्म दिए पछि कर्म पनि दिन्छ रे । आत्तिन पर्दैन होला । नयाँ बर्ष २००९ ले यहाँको जिवनमा नयाँ खुशि र उमंग ल्याओस् । यहि सुभकामना छ ।
Dear Rajesh Dai
Best Wishes for Merry Christmas and New Year 2009.
pahila kura ta Rajes hamal sanga ko Interview le Hknepal .com ko sobha bhadayeko chaa. hk ani R gyu partai abhari chhu. Tara hk nepalko parasanakarta parti pastachap 6 kinaki hamalko sabai sabdama nepal parti maya bhayeko hunchha Auni utakrista kalakar ho.
Rajesh daju, Tapai lai pani Happy New Year 2009. Tapai ko jiwan phulos phalos.
Rajesh jee namaskar!!!dherai khushi lagyo tapaeeko interview herna payera.sachikai 44 hunubho???tara tapaeelai 35 nanageko jasto dekhinchha ni he he….
tapaeelai pani Merry cristmas and happy new year 2009.
राजेश दाजु, नयाँ बर्ष २००९ को शुभकामनाको साथै उत्तरोत्तर प्रगतिको कामना ।
Rajesh DAI, Tapai ko saphalatako kamana gardachu la. Tapai ko Nepal pratiko maya mamata prati salam chaa.
Dherai khushi lagyoo tapaiko kura sunna pauda.
rajesh dada ko jawaf haru sunda , yesto lagchha ki nepali film industry le rajesh dada paunu bhaneko saubhagye ko kura ho , rajesh dada always no 1 .
rajesh dada hardika namaskar. tapaile avinaya gareko film herda yasto lagchha tapaiko jasto avinaya garne tarika kunai hiroko chaina
Nice interview, great question, great answer.. thanks HKNEPAL…
nice interview…i still remember ur famous dialogue which is….YEHHHH YO HAAT SAATHI KO LAGI SALAAM HO, DUSHMAN KO LAGI FALAAM HO YEHHHH…
nice interview and great personality!!
thanx to
Dai rajesh,
HAPPY NEW YEAR 2009. From singapore.
Well executed, great interveiw! Well done, Dev! Your star mate! However, wondering if this clip was taken in the slums of Sham Shui Po! Sorry if I am mistaken coz the picture tells the tale. It seemed to me that the place is definitely prepared for the video shoot out but unfortunately the “dinosaur hangers” were left hanging for the utter annoyance of the viewers. Tell you what; it would have been better if the hangers were holding some clothing then left empty!
It is shame that couldn’t find a decent place for such interviews. Look at those hangers hanging on the rails, right above Dev’s head. What an eye shore! Annoying and proving difficult to ignore by the viewers. Piece of advice, next time you’d better go out to Kowloon Park and make it more refreshing and creative. Interviews don’t have to be indoors all the time; you can do it outdoors too.
यो भिडीयो अन्तर्वार्ता हतारमा बिना तयारी अन द स्पटमा लिइएको हो। अन द स्पटमा तुरुन्तै र त्यही ठाउंमा आकस्मिक रुपमा अन्तर्वार्ता लिंदा भने जस्तो सुविधा उपलव्ध हुंदैन।
याउ मा तेइ कम्युनिटी हलमा अभिनेता राजेश हमाल अभिनित चलचित्र ‘बिष’को प्रिमियर शो चलिरहंदा सोही समयमा हमालसंग छोटो समय मागेर स्टेच पछाडि ड्रेसिङ रुममा अन्तर्वार्ता लिइएको हो।
अरु दिन अन्तर्वार्ताको लागि अभिनेता हमालले समय मिलाउन नसक्ने भएकोले तत्काल त्यही अन्तर्वार्ता लिएको हुनाले व्यवस्थित हुन नसकेको हो। त्यसैले, वरिपरिको परिवेशलाई निहाल्नु भन्दा अभिनेता हमालका अभिव्यक्ति के कस्ता लाग्यो त्यसप्रति ध्यान दिन आग्रह गरिन्छ।
एचकेनेपाल डट कम
hello…rajesh jasto bro ko interview kunai resturent ma gare hune thiyenara..gharma ma interview liye jasto cha..keho testo pachadi londry ko henkar haru.. …atlist hataaunata sakthiyo holani??? pls next time alli take care garnu la daju…aammbbbooooo…..
dear all
i dont really read n see the whole picture n articles in this web site but this is the first ever i watched whole interview absolutely brilliant to be honest how different if peoples r more educated for example rajesh hamal ji
cheers !!!
rajesh hamal is the best
meant to write….eyesore! not eye shore……sorry
rajesh hamal are you very hendsam and your acting very good but your dansing not good so plese abaut yourdance thingking thankyou
SARAai rAmro interview lagyo.. hatar ma liyeko rahecha bujhiyo.. j hos next time interview lida bichar puraunu hola.
Question haru ramro lagyo… good job ! prasna karta.. tapai ko interview haru heri raheko chhu… ramro lagcha. ma dherai talent haru rahechan.
Rajes dai first of all i would like to wish you happy new year2009,,,dai you are the one i like verry much becoz of you ours nepali flim indristy has been going well..dai if you are visit on my coment pls give me your contact no…by sms either no..0169047810 me at malaysia now,,mail [email protected]..pls i would like to word some if there is a posible pls best of luck.
Appriciated for the interview vidio. he is a great actor & superstar. forever.
i’m sorry to admit that i’ve never been a big fan of nepali movies..or nepali actors…but after watching this interview.. i’m new found respect for nepali actors..and outmost respect for Rajesh Hamal. Hats off to you sir. but i do have a small complaint about the person who is interviewing Rajesh Hamal. He needs to let people finish answering his question and not just cut’em off..
एुटा ब्यक्ती को ब्य्क्तित्तो भएको अनी योग्यता अनुसार को सभ्यता ,अनुशासित ,बोलिमा नम्रता र अब्श्य पनि नेपालको उत्कृष्ट नायक राजेश दाजु लाई पनि सु-भ कामना! यहाँ को धेरै कुरा राम्रो लाग्यो तर नेपाली सिनेमा को बारेमा भन्नु पर्दा सिनेमा धेरै बनेर मात्रा र राजेश दाजु ले धेरै सिनेमा मा काम गर्नु भयो भनेर मात्रा नेपाल को सिनेमा क्षेत्र राम्रो छ् र हुँदै छ् भन्ने कुरा उचित होला जस्तो मलाई लाग्दैन्!यो सत्य हो र यथार्थ पनि हो त्यो के भने नेपाली सिनेमा मा एुटा स्ट्यान्डर्ड छैन्,भारतिय सिनेमा को नक्कल गरिएको छ् त्यो पनि एक्दमै न्मिल्ने तरिका बात्!हो कुनै राम्रो कुरा को नक्कल गर्नु नराम्रा्ओ होइन तर नक्क्ल पनि त सुहाउने र मिल्ने तरिका बाट हुनु पर्यो नि ,होइन र?अनी नेपाली सिनेमा पनि त हेरौ न जस्तो कि कुसुमे रुमाल,कान्छि,माया प्रिती,त्यस्ताइ अरु पुरानो नेपाली सिनेमा कती अर्थ पूर्ण र हेर्न पनि मजा आउने र शोभा दिने किसिम्का छन नि त!यदी भारतीय सिनेमा को नक्कल गरेको नेपाली सिनेमा छ् तर नसुहाउने नक्कल छ भने किन नेपाली सिनेमा हेर्नु पर्यो र भारतीय सिनेमानै हे रे भाई हाल्यो नि,होइन र?अनी कृपया यो नेपाली सिनेमा को फाइट सिन को त झनै कुरा नै नगरौ अती नै अशोभनिय छ त्यसकारण यो फाइट को सिन त झन राख्दै नराख्दा मा पनि हुने थियो!त्य्सैले नेपाली सिनेमा अतिनै गरीब दर्जा को छ र हो पनि यस्लाई सुधारनु अती नै जरुरी छ!यदी कुनै पनि चिज या बस्तु मा क्लास अर्थात स्ट्यान्डर्ड छ भने अब्श्य पनि त्यो चिज ले खोज्नु पर्दैन कि बरु त्यो चिज लाई हामीले खोज्नु पर्ने हुन्छ्!र अन्त्य मा राजेश दाजु को विवाह को कुरा मा के भने हरेक ब्यक्ती आफ्नो आफ्नो स्वभाब हुन्छ बिचार हुन्छ र त्य्ही अनुसार को जिबन हुन्छ भने यस्तो ब्यक्तिगत कुरा मा अरुले टिका तिप्प्नी गर्नु र कुराकात्नु त्यो कुरा कात्ने मान्छे को गरीब सोच बिचार को नतिजा हो र यस्ले कोही पनि ब्यक्तिलाई केही फरक पर्दैन्!अन्त्यमा राजेश दाजु को उत्कृष्ट अभिनय को प्रसम्सा गर्दै अब आउने नेपाली सिनेमा अली योग्य बनोश भन्ने आशा राख्दै एेच के नेपाल लाई पनि धन्यवाद दिदै बिदा!
ज्योति छेत्री ,बेल्जियम
Don’t you people think Mr. Hamal is openly advocating plagiarism? Well I do. Do you think you agree with Mr. Hamal that copying other people’s work is not a bad idea at all? Well getting an idea from something is of course good but working on existing Indian movie to reproduce as it is our own Nepali movie is definitely not good.
Tell you what, if this is the attitude of our film industry than I am afraid the Nepalis film industry is not going anywhere. You hit a dead end! Plagarism kills creativity and without creativity your potentials can not develop. We want you to be doing your own work (thereby learning something in the process), instead of copying some one else’s work and passing it off to us as your own work. Mr. Hamal’s pathetic attempt to defend his argument (why books are printed in different languages) is downright farce!
If you still didn’t get it , get this quote from Piccasso “ bad artists copy, great artists steal”. I only understand from this famous quotation that bad artist tweaks others work here and there and reproduce what is already there in form of style technique and great artist on other hand takes other people’s concepts and makes it his own. He lifts the existing work as a quotation, and incorporates it into a different vision and product.
Don’t fool around, Mr. Hamal. Ever heard this song, dude…..Malai Nepali maya man parchha…….brilliant song! Don’t you think so?
jyoti didi…hajur ko every week kabita comments haru ra pic pani here..sarai ramro lekhu huncha..ra tapai pani cuwwak lagyo…baru aaba kabita lekhnu vayo vane pic pani hallnu la…hajur ko chintak…harke…
Patrakar Mahodaya,
Its clear that you are quite influenced by Indian Cinema.It also seems like ,your numerous attempt in comparing Nepalese Cinema/Actors with so called Indian,INDIAN ! and trying to let Rajesh Hamal down,made you feel wiser . And I do agree with Mr Sagar….ALL THAT MATTERED TO YOU WAS YOUR QUESTION ! BUT NOT HIS ANSWERS…
my friend,you were interviewing a wrong person with wrong question….please do more homeworks….we all know you are excellent in questioning..but..please make your habit of listening as well….and PLEASE STOP COMPARING NEPAL WITH INDIA,every country has its own strength and weakness in terms of culture,politics,economy, name it…
Rajesh Hamal is an exceptional and outstanding,NO DOUBT.
धेरै धेरै धन्यवाद एच्के नेपाल डट कम लाई किन कि बिदेस् हिंडेको पनि धेरै भैइसक्यो शुरु शुरु मा नेपाल्(नवलपरासी,कावासोति) मै रहदासी धेरै नै नेपाली फिल्म हेरिन्थ्यो त्यस्मा पनि सुपर स्टार राजेश हमाल को एउटा पनि नछोडि कन हेरिन्थ्यो । आज धेरै समय पछि उहाको अन्तर्वाता हेर्न र सुन्न पाए, नेपाली चलचित्र सम्बन्धि पछिल्यो जानकारी जान्न पाउदा धेरै नै खुशी लाग्यो ।भविस्य मा पनि राजेश हमाल जस्तै अरु हरु को भिडियो अन्तर्वार्ता हेर्ने इच्छा राख्दै आजलाई बिदा माग्दछु।
भीम् रावल्,रास्लाफान् कतार्
thanks i have seen RAJESH HAMAL INTERVIEW. PLEASE BECARE locatione whatever we are neplies if take interview choise or manage 1st yours question. it was good. from UK
Dev Raj rai ko kothama interview lieko jasto chha ni….good interview.
ofcourse Rajesh is number one actor in Nepal. everyboy like him. he is educated too as well as hand some. his speaking style is very attractive.his persanality, actually every thing is very ok. i know he has too…………..much fun. he gave very nice intreview.thank you very much
Nice interview – despite those hangers. he he
rajesh hamal is great artist in Nepal. he is gold and dimand of ours so certenlly nice Interview.
fristfall, muri muri thanks to kin ki eo interview pathane mauka paiko ma. ramro chha Interview.rajesh ji ko answer very good. katai dosh lagaune thau chhaina hai. from greece.bye bye
we were too many people in my room yesterday when i opend internet hk news i fond Rajesh hamal Interview than i told all my friends about Interview and they watched,we watched many times, really we fond very great. very nice. there is no comment. Finally we are very proud of Rajesh Hamal and 2009 ko hardik mangalmae subhakamana to Rajesh hamal. from greece bye bye.
rajes daju k 6 ho khabar?? ani filmy duniya kasto chaldai 6 ta?anyway happy new year to ok?
rajesh dai 2009 ko suvakamana sathai nepali chalchittra
in dustry ma yogdan dinu vayeko ma dannebad
ramro lagyo
Hello !
Sabai sikaune matra. k chha ho sathi interview garna lagayo bhanne garna sakinchha ??
Rajesh daai,
had never thought u were such a funny too..
great man ever…..
ramro lageu, we sugesteted it for nepali producer.nepali films are not going in progress way ,so compalsory it should make unique model to nepali invironment ,no needs to bollywood, hollywood disigne,it can not match the nepali generetion culture ,so we have practise how to make purity of social justice and educational advancenment.congract for best actor rajesh hama…… prem+raj
sarpratham ta lai dhannebat. and rajesh sir ko
interview herna pawda dherai khusi lagyo.jehos ajhai pani jibanko marga haruma agadi baddai janu suvakamana
prakash lama. UAE.
hello rajesh ji namaste, you are a great in Nepali film Industry. we want you always com in Nepali film. very nice Interview.finally, your life saidai gham jasto chamak bhanosh our subha kaman bye.
hello rajesh ji tapai ta 29-30 jasto dekhinu hunchha. sachai ho ra tapaiko umer + 44 mata pataudina hai. good luck.
good morning Rajesh dai, hami bidesi haru ko tarpha bat tapai dherai dherai bachnuhos, pragati garnuho, khusi hunuhos, sadhai sadhai film ma keli rahanuhos ra nirigi rahnuhos bhanne kamana chha bye.
HI, HK whats up & how abouts ur days going on.i hope cool, me too i want to reach there but i cannot no people help me.i want be reach people in the world.but how give me some idea,GOD i want be reach,pls help me ok GOD TUSSE GREADE HO
First of all Thanks HK nepal, for Interview with Rajesh Hamal.
iam big fan of Rajesh hamal.
happy new year 2009.
hello rajas dai k6?
happy new year2009
euta ques. ko ans. dina pako chhaina, arko ques. sodhna hattarr devraj lai…enterview liyeko room pani jpt..
rajesh hamal le ta malai kurera basya cha ani kina bihe garcha ta ..
राजेस ज्यूले क्या चित्त बुज्दो जवाफ दिनु भयो।हामीहरु नेपाली चलचित्रलाई चंहि बलिउड संग बढि तुलना गर्ने गर्छौ। आर्थिक,राजनितिकलाई चहि किन तुलाना गर्न नसकेका हौ?र अर्को कुरा राजेस हमाल ज्यू संग इन्ट्रभिउ लिएको धेरै हेरि सके,प्रयाले बिहे सम्बन्धिलाई बढि घोच्चीएर प्रष्न गरेको गरेको जस्तो लाग्छ ।तर म चंहि उहां संग सहमत छु,जिन्दगीमा बिहे गर्नै पर्छ भन्ने कुनै कारण छैन र बिहे गरे पछि सुख पाउछ भन्ने कुनै कुरा छनै।मान्छेको आ-आफ्नो जिउने तरिका हुन्छ।बिहे नगरेता पनि केटी त रोजिरोजि पाईन्छ होला।र अन्तमा राजेस हमाल ज्यू तपाई लाई पनि २००९को धेरै धेरै शुभ कामना छ!
your ever fan sonam (Japana)
rajesh dai tapai ko jeevan ma 2009 le naya khusiyali umanga chahirahos happy new year2009
It’s nice to watch an interview with actor Rajesh Hamal.
I met him a couple times when I was in Kathmandu, and he seemed pretty much like a magician that time. He showed us some sort of trick that he could hide money that was in one’s wallet and bring it back to it—something like that. Anyway that was a fun moment of meeting him.
Whenever I read or watch about him, one thing drives me nuts is that why do people care whether he gets married or not? Like some people say he should get married and starts his life. Cummon! Life begins as we born not as we get married. This is none of our business! I understand people get curious why he hasn’t got married while he is a successful actor or whatever you say! But this has been around for years! People are keep asking and asking until he gets annoying.
He speaks very well and he certainly seems intelligent, but why is he keep playing those dump movies instead of making himself better ones? If Nepali movies are made in better quality, I am sure we all will watch. Nobody will have to tell us to watch. For one point, I was a big fan of Nepali movies and sure enough, I was too fool to be enjoyed watching those movies, but now realized that Nepali movies actually have not taste! I feel Nepali movies have no flavor! Something isn’t right. Can’t we make better movies like Caravan? If Nepali film makers try to copy Bollywood movies which are also made in low quality, why can’t they copy good movies instead of bad ones like Slam Dog Millionaire? What I most see in our movies is that in happy scene it shows too happy; for example, giggling and laughing goes on and on which we can see clearly as fake happiness, and in sad scene, we see too sad which clearly appears to be fake. Can’t we act better and make it more realistic?
Finally I just wish Nepali film makers pay more attention in details and carefully prepared before they put hands on work. Also, actors in movies are not a real hero, so it is better to address them as actor but not as hero or heroine.
Regarding to maximshk’s comment that was posted on December 22nd, 2008 at 2:17 pm.
I just want to point out that plagarism is not good thing, and I don’t think Mr. Hamal was referring to plagiarism. I rather thought he was basically trying to say it is ok to learn from others’ movies and put that ideas into our movies.
Another thing is that I don’t even think that Nepali film industry has such capability to copy foreign movies. If they can actually copy foreign movies, Nepali film industry might have got to a a better position today. What I think about Neplai cinema industry is that it is just matter of how much I can earn from my investment. Here in Hollywood, people make movies not just to earn the movies, but also to compete in quality with others. They think, prepare well and pay attention in details, but Nepali Cinema industry is pretty much like frying pop corns. Do it quickly and eat it quickly.
rajesh brother happy new year 2066.
hi rajesh ji how are you
hi rajesh sir,,, thapaile niraya linu bhayako pani thaikai ho justolachh ki bhane manis jalmadaima biwaha garnuparchha bhanne ke chhara,,,, ////////
Nobody is comparing Nepalese film industry with the bollywood (the world’s 2nd binggest film industy). If you did, you are making yourself the biggest fool in the whole world. I have no idea why Mr. Hamal thinks we are. What people are saying here is stop copying bollywood and let your own creative juice flowing for what you are doing. This is the message we all Nepalese wanted to give to our Nepalese Film Industry and Mr. Hamal in particular in this post. Without copying bollywood lines, you guys are empty. Of course everything we do in Nepal, one way or other are greatly influenced by Indians’ way of life, be it in politics, economics, social, education etc. you name it and the Nepalese Film Industry is no exception. However, the irony is Mr. Hamal and fellow cementers in this blog do not seem to understand this social phenomenon that is ruining our Nepalese creativity in all spheres of life nationwide.
Mr. Hamal Said, good books are printed in different languages, so why can’t we make a good bollywood movies in Nepali? This argument is down right farce. If this is not plagiarism god knows what plagiarism is all about. This statement of Mr. Hamal shows how shallow he is proving intellectually. Of course there are thousands of books printed in different languages but definitely not the way Mr. Hamal thinks they are. What Mr. Hamal he is encouraging us here is to translate shakespear’s books in Nepali and make some twists and turns here and there and pass it to Nepalese public as it is our own work.
Its natural for people to ask him about his marriage. Of course it is his own business but since he is a celebrity he is in public scrutiny. Any thing he does influence our society. Marriage is important part of our life and seeing him bachelor at this age is of course is weird. Is his sexual orientation weird or the opportunity didn’t present itself, makes me wondering too!
You’re not just a Nepali actor but also an ambassador to Nepali Cine Uddyog. You travel and visit Nepalese around the world so that we are up to date on Nepali Cine news. I believe Nepali Film Industry is surviving because of you. Great job!
By the way, you should stop by Hawaii in your next trip to USA. I’m sure you’ll love it.
rajesh hamalis very best
namaste rajesh dai, u are a great person of nepali contest and film industries. u did memorable event in the previous time actually u have good diologue and acting as well as better fitness hansom as hight in film keep it up
alredy has somaney artist in neplai film industries but no body has like rajesh hamal may be aree u talking about dance? will be u are talking about fight? or acting or what else…but my guess is rajesh hamal is no.1 [email protected] singapore
rajesh ji tapae la ramro avineya garnuvayako cha ra aru den ma pane yasti garnuch vannea aasa rakhadhu aba auna film ma tapei la lamo vumika ma avena garnu hola vandi antha ma hknepal ka sabi staff lai dhanyabadh cha (now i have in malaysia but next time i also go back to nepal ……dipendra panthi arghakhanchi lumbine bangi -2 guranse ma molai chunuhune sabi la samparka rakhunu hola [email protected] bye bye thanku hknepal…
hi hamal dai marry chi chotto garu hai naba bhudo kany basnuparla with you rajesh dai
rajesh dai ali new film nikalnu paryoni
molai man parna raju l
ama ko sang
malai nepali chelachitra dhari man parcha
ra mero fabrate hero hunuhuncha nayak
rajash hamal
rajash hamal ji
malai tapai ko film ko lagi dhari dhari ramra film harna payako chhu
mahalai tapai ka kunipani naya film aya bhani mahalai email gardhanu holo tapai ko best friends babu ram paudel
arghakhanchi balkot 7 lumbani nepal
hal- new delhi india
Dev raj i love you so much and take care.
rajes dai thapai li happy new years
Raa,,,,,,,,,,,,,je,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,sh.Like this way your filmy path should also long,Carrey on.
I love you .I wana marrey with you.plz rep me I,m waiting……….
Namarkar Rajesh daje.
hi k6 khabar
Namaskar Rajesh Daju,
Rajesh daju sharba partham ta hajur ko utar utar pargati ko kamana garda chhu. danju hajur a sari nai nepali filmy jagat ko nam rakhadai janu hala. daju ma ta hajur ko ju sukai film bazzar ma niskan6 all film harne gar6u kin bhane hajur ko jun sukai film pani veryyyyyyyyyyy man par6
Thank you
Hi Rajash! I would like to give u lot of congratulation 4 ur’s gud act in Nepali movies. Hope that u would do more n more in future. thnx very much cu next…………………………
I Love You Rajesh Hamal.
I miss u Rajesh Hamal Because iam out of country.
Rajesh uncle hajurko interview padd da akdami khushi lagyo so nice interview
Malai Bakbaas Lagyo chiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
I not only like him as a film star but as well an learnt personality in nepali film industry.
rajesh hamal ji ko personality unique 6 , rajesh jee aru bhanda beglai hunuhuncha . uha yati biddwan bhayerapani samaj ra desh ka lagi dehi garna sakenn . uha le sayasd yeklo jiban bitauna chahanu bhayeko ho ki ? thik 6 uha ko bichar ho aru bhanda alag huna sak65. thank you
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