Feed2JS: Style a Feed

Once you have built the code for your Feed2JS, you can see how the output of RSS content generated by Feed2JS can be customized by applying different style sheets. Each part of the feed has an identifier, allowing you to add styles to the box containing the feeds, the title, the item display, and the date posting text. A few sample styles are provided here; for more, see the Feed2JS Style Center.

Try on a Style Sheet

URL Enter the web address for the RSS Feed to "stylize"; if you do not have one handy, you can use the one below from CogDogBlog.

Style Selector
These are but a few style varieties to sample- you are invited to modify or create your own. If you have a snazzy, prettier version, please send it our way. For a blank slate, select the "none/template" style.

Using a Style Sheet

You will need to incorporate the CSS code or linkage in your own HTML files; there are two ways you can do this:

  1. Insert the CSS directly into the HTML for the page that will display the feed. This methods is best for sites that only are displaying the feed on one or a few pages. Use the form below to find the style you desire, copy the CSS, and paste it somewhere into the <HEAD>...</HEAD> of your HTML file that contains the Feed2JS code, surrounded by the <style>...</style> tags shown below.
    <style type="text/css"  media="all">
    <!--  this is where you paste the CSS provided by the form below -->
  2. Link to an external style sheet. This method is best if you will be using the feeds on multiple pages, as the CSS is stored externally, and thus allows you to change the output display of many pages by editing a single file. Just copy the CSS provided by the form below, and paste it into a new text file. Save it as something called "myfeed.css". Think smart about where you decided to store this file, as other HTML pages that call it need to define a correct path to the file. Many web sites just create a top level directory named style and store all style sheet files in this directory.

    Regardless, to connect the HTML file that contains the Feed2JS code to an external style sheet, insert this line into the <HEAD>...</HEAD> of your HTML.
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="style/myfeed.css" media="all">
    Remember again that the value of href= must be a correct relative path (or a full valid URL such as http://www.blah.com/style/myfeed.css) from the HTML file to the CSS file.

CSS classes

This sketch represents the CSS classes created by Feed2JS.

Advanced: Two Styles in One Page

If you have more than one feed displayed per page, you can assign different styles to each display. You will need a solid understanding of CSS and inheritance to get this to work!.

By supplying a value for CSS Custom Class in the build form you can now create different top level classes. The value passed will create a CSS class named rss_box_XXXX where XXXX is this value. This implies that you may have to specifiy more specific classes for the other classes listed above, or use the top level rss_box_XXXX classes to say define a different background color.

See two exmaples:

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