युएई सरकारले शुक्रवारदेखि नयाँ भिसा शुल्क लागु गर्यो

सुर्य चन्द / एचकेनेपाल डट कम –
युएई सरकारले युएईको सबै राज्यमा शुक्रवारदेखि लागु हुने गरी भिजिट, बिजनेस र रेसिडेन्ट भिसा सबैमा नयाँ भिसा शुल्क निर्धारण गरेको छ।

देहाय बमोजिमको भिसा शुल्क निर्धारण गरेको शुक्रवार प्रकाशित अरेबिक पत्रिका अल इतिहादले जनाएको छ। नेपाली सर्बसाधारणको हितको लागि यो समाचार सम्प्रेषण गरिएको हो।

* Visa for work in the public sector Dh200
* Investor or business partner visa Dh250
* Visa for domestic helpers working for nationals Dh150
* Visa for domestic helpers working for expatriates Dh200
* Visa for family members of expatriate in the public sector Dh200
* Visa for family members of an investor or business partner Dh250
* Multi-purpose visa for tourist ship crew members Dh200
* Visa for landlords Dh1,100
* Multi-purpose visa for companies Dh2,100
* Visa for expatriates in the private sector of free zone Dh250
* Visa for expatriate residents of other GCC countries Dh200
* Renewal of visa for expatriate residents of GCC countries Dh700
* Long-term business or entertainment visa Dh550
* Long-term multi-purpose business or entertainment visa Dh1,500
* Study or training visa Dh550
* Medical treatment visa Dh550
* Visa for patient’s escort Dh1,400

* Visa for domestic helpers working for nationals or GCC citizens Dh150 per year
* Visa for domestic helpers working for expatriates Dh200 per year
* Residence visa for family of an expatriate in the public sector Dh200 per year
* Residence visa for family of an expatriate sponsored by a national Dh150
* Residence visa for family of an expatriate investor or business partner Dh250

